Air Optix® Aqua 3pk
By Alcon

(Box of 3 lenses)

Alcon - Air Optix® Aqua 3pk

Contact Lens Details

Air Optix Aqua - a breathable contact lens to fit your lifestyle. Air Optix are intended for daily or flexible/extended wear (up to 6 nights while sleeping), as determined by your eye care professional. The lens is 33% water and has a light blue handling tint. Air Optix is a Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens, it provides up to 5 times more oxygen than traditional hydrogel lenses.

Daily Wear or 6 Night Extended Wear
Monthly Replacement

Alcon - Air Optix® Aqua 3pk

Price: $58.00

A Silicone Hydrogel Daily Wear contact lens that should be replaced monthly. 33% Water Content. Light Blue Handling Tint

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